The casino has been part of the game since its initial release in 2013, but has remained locked off to players pending a future update. That real-world building served as the inspiration for GTA 5's Vinewood Racetrack, which includes a casino. He found a link between the DLC's release date and the opening of the Hollywood Park Racetrack – which opened 10 June 1938. This prompted YouTuber MrBossFTW to do some research. This rang a few alarm bells with fans given that Rockstar typically releases its updates on Tuesdays.
The GTA Online Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 DLC will be released on Wednesday 10 June. Rockstar may finally open the doors to one of GTA Online's casinos this week, according to fan theorists who have linked the impending Ill-Gotten Gains downloaded content (DLC) to the anniversary of the opening of a casino that inspired one of the game's buildings.